Saturday, November 29, 2008

CAMPAIGN PLANS….. For Majili’s       

Open societies and small groups involving the political side have confirmed, they will give their votes after gothroughing the candidates manifesto’s.Inaddition, they didn’t get any request from any of the candidate. In my point of understanding what these small groups are really good and they will wait and see who s going to give the best manifesto for them. There are people in our atoll trying to sell their vote as much as they can but some of them are going to think our atoll and will do their best for their atoll not for sale. From the beginning of these campaigning some supporters fro Mr Muhusin side are visiting for door to door and others are officially meeting with small groups and there are some candidates not even start their campaign. If we are going to demand something from them why don’t you follow the below mentioned points:-

1-Each member from the parliament is getting something around MRF 60000 to 50000 per month, So shall we demand 12000 for nilandhoo and 8000for Dharabudhoo. But the amount will adjust according to majority.

2-They have to visit each island twice a month and get the ideas and enquiries from the people.

3-They have to check what the ongoing projects in the atoll are and issue that to Majilis for quick and get the positive responds from the government. Example the empty building in the name of Youth centre in Nilandhoo. [Not yet use for weeks but construction completed]

4-They should meet individuals without any reasons when individuals want meet them. The arrangements to be settled befor election or the written documents to be submit before election.

5-If any of the people who want to issue a bill to the Majilis that has to be submitting if it clears from maldivian law and Islam.

6-They have to clear that if their health is fine that they should attend almost all the Majilis Jalsa.

7-What are the plans that they have in their minds about atoll and are they going to sit Majilis for money [salary] or their own wish for serving our atoll.


Friday, November 28, 2008

ި                                                                     ޒިންމާ ދާރު ކައުންސިލް                                                                                                                                              
އިންތިހާބު ތަކުގެވާހަކަ ދައްކާދުވަސް ވަރެއްގައި އަޅުގަޑުމެން ވިސްނާލަންޖެހޭ ކަންތައްތައް ވަރަށް ގިނައެވެ. ނިމިދިޔަ ރިޔާސީ އިންތިހާބާއި އަންނަން އޮތް މަޖިލިސް ގެ ފޯރި އެއްކިބާ ކުރުމަށް ފަހު އަޅުގަޑުމެން ގެ ވިސްނުން ބަދަލު ކުރަންވީ ކުރިޔަށް އޮތް ކައުންސިލް ތަކުގެ އިންތިހާބަށެވެ. މިކަމުގައި ވިސްނަންޖެހޭ ކަންތައް ތައް ގިނަގުނައެވެ. ފުރަތަމަ ރަށުލެވެލްގައި ހޮވާ ރަށުކައުންސިލް އެވެ. މިގޮތުން އަޅުގަޑުމެން ވިސްނުން ގެންގުޅެންޖެހޭ މިންގަޑުތަކެއް ކަޑައެޅުންވަރަށް މުހިންމެވެ. ފުރަތަމަ ކަމަކަށް ވިސްނާލަންވީ އަޅުގަޑު މެން މިފަހަރުވެސް ހޮވަން ވީ އެންމެފަހުން ރަށުކޮމިޓީ އަށް ހޮވިމީހުން ބާއެވެ. އެހެންކަމަށްވާނަމަ އެބޭފުޅުންގެތެރެއިން ސަރުކާރު މުވައްްޒަފުން ކުރިމަތިލާނެ ތޯވެސް ޔަގީން ކުރަންޖެހެއެވެ. ދެން އެބޭފުޅުން ކުރިމަތި ނުލާނަމަ އެކަމަށް ޤާބިލް ބަޔަކު މިހާރު ރަށްރަށުގައި އިބަތިބިބާއޭވެސް އަޅުގަޑު ގެ ހިތުގައި ސުވާލު އުފެދެއެވެ.މިހިރި ކަން ތަކާމެދު މިހާރު ލިބިފައިވާ ވަގުތުގެ ބޭނުން ކޮށްގެން މާލެ އާއި އެހެނިހެން ދާއިރާތަކުން އަޅުގަޑުމެން ރަގަޅުޓީމެއް ނުނަގައިފިނަމަ ހިތާމަކުރަންޖެހޭނެ ކަން ޔަގީނެވެ. ރަށްރަށް ވަކިކުރުމަށް ފަހު ކޮންމެރަަށަކުންވެސް އެކަމަށް ޤާބިލްބަޔަކު ނުނަގަިފިނަމަ އަތޮޅުގެ ހާލަތު ހީނުކުރާފަދަ ހިތާމަވެރި ގޮތަކަށް ބަދަލުވުމަކީ ވަރަށް ގާތްކަމެކެވެ.މިފަދަ ކައުންސިލްތަކަކީ މުޅިއަތޮޅުހިންގާ ކުޑަވަރެއްގެ ސަރުކާރެއްކަން ހަދާން ކުރަމާތޯއެވެ. އެފަދަ ޒިންމާދާރުމަގާމުތަކަށް ތައްލީމީ ޒުވާނުން ނުނަގައިފިނަމަ ، އަތޮޅުދެކެ ލޯބިވާ ކޮންމެދަރިޔަކުވެސް މިކަމާ ހިތާމަކުރަންޖެހޭނެކަމަކީ ޔަގީންކަމެކެވެ.
ބަޔާންކުރެވުނު ކަންކަމާމެދު އަތޮޅުގެ ރައްޔަތުން ވިސްނާނެކަމަށް އަޅުގަޑު އުއްމީދުކުރަމެވެ. ނުވިސްނައިފިނަމަ ލިބިދާނެ ހިތާމަ ޔަކީ މިހާރު ވެސް ފެންނާންހުރި ހަޤީގަތެވެ. ދިހަރުފިޔާއަށް ވާން އޮންނަ ކަން ތަށް ސަތޭކަ ރުފިޔާ އަށް މިހާރު މިކުރަނީ ވެސް އަތޮޅުގައި ތިބި މުއްސަދިން ކޮމިޓީތަކުގެ ގޮޑި ހޫނުކުރާތީއެވެ. ވިސްނާށެވެ. ފުންކޮށް ވިސްނާށެވެ، އަދި ވަގުތު އެބައޮތެވެ.އަލުގަޑުމެންގެ މުޅިއަތޮޅުގެ އެންމެ ހާކަންތައްތައް ބަޔަކުމީހުންނާ ހަވާލުކުރުމެކީ ކުޑަކަމެއް ނޫނެވެ.ނުބައިވިސްނުމެއްގައި ހޮވޭ ކައުންސިލަކީ އޭގެނުބައި އަސަރު މުޅިމުޖުތަމައައް ކުރާނެ ކަމެކެވެ.އެހެންވެއްޖެނަމަ އެފަދަ ކައުންސިލަކީ ޒިންމާދާރު ކައުންސިލަކަށް ނުވާނެއެވެ...


There are lot of reason for giving chair to Muhusin compare to others .

1- He is young and he belongs to not only Nilandhoo but also  good and respectable family.
2-He is young and he is having lot of connection with those who live in both Male and atoll.
3-From Nilandhoo side he will be the only challenging candidate compare to others.
4-He is having equal number of family members from either side. [his mother belongs to Moosa Hussain Family and his father is famous Hameedhudhonbei] 
5-The campaign team he select was much stronger than others from both atoll and capital Male.
6-He is having lot of connection for youth development authorities, So that will be really good for our young generation.
7-He is having good background compare to all other candidates. 

Thursday, November 27, 2008

މިފަހަރު މީ އެކުވެރިކަމުގެ ފަހަރެވެ

ކުރިޔަށް މަޖިލިސްއިންތިހާބަށް ނިލަންދު ހިމެނޭ ފަޅިއަށް ނިލަންދޫގެ ބޭފުޅެއް ހޮވުމުގެ ގޮތުން މިހާރު ކުރިމަތި ލާކަމަށް ފާހަގަ ކުރެވޭ ނިލަންދުއަށް ނިސްބަތް ވާ އެންމެން އެންމޭޒެއްގެ ދޮށަށް އެްވުމުގެ މުހިއްމު ކަން ވަރަށް ބޮޑެވެ. މިގޮތުން މިހާރު މާލޭގައިތިބި ނިލަންދޫގެ ބައެއް ޒުވާ ނުން މިކަމަށް މަސައްކަތް ކުރާކަމަށް މައުލޫމާތު ލިބެއެވެ.މިބައްދަލުވުމުގައި މަސްވަރާ ކުރުމަށް ހަމަޖެހިފައި ވަނީ މީގެތެރެއިން ކޮންމެސް އެއްބޭފުޅަކު ކުރިމަތިލުމުގެ ކަންތައް އެއްބަސްވުމަކަށް އާދެވޭތޯ އެންމެން ވެސް އެކުވެރިކަމާއެކު މަސައް ކަތް ކުރުމަށެވެ.ހަގީގަތުގައި މިފަދަ ދަޑިވަޅެއްގައި އެފަދަ ބައްދަލުވުމެއް ބޭއްވުމަކީ ވަރަށް ރަގަޅުކަމެކެވެ. އެއީ މިކަމުގެ ސަބަބުން ނިލަންދޫގެ ރައްޔަތުންގެ މެދުގައި ވަރަށް ބޮޑު އެކުވެރިކަމެއް އުފެދޭ ނެތީއެވެ. އަދިއޭގެ ފައިދާ މުސްތަގުބަލުގެ ޖީލުތަކަށް ވެސް ކުރާނެތީއެވެ. މިހާރުމާލެތެރޭގެ ހަބަރުތައް ހުރިގޮތުން ކުރިޔަށް އޮތް އިންތިހާބުގައި ކުރިމަތިލާ ބޭފުޅުން ނާއި އެބޭފުޅުން ނަށް ލިބޭނެ ކަމަށް ލަފާކުރެވޭ ނަތީޖާ ވެސް ތިރީ ގައި އެވަނީއެވެ:-

އަބްދުލް މުހުސިނ ް ހަމީދު ފިނިފެންމާގެ ފ. ނިލަންދޫ

މިހާރުމުހުސިނުގެ ފަހަތުގަިވާ ސަ ޕޯތަރުން ނާއި އެކު މުހުސިނަކީ ނިލަންދޫއިން އެންމެ ގިނައިން ވޯތުލިބޭނެ ފަރާ ތެވެ. މިގޮތުން ގާތް ގަޑަކައް ލަފާ ކުރެވޭ ގޮތުގައި ނިލަން ދޫގެ 80 ޕަސެންޓް މޫސިނު ކާމިޔާ ބު ކުރާނެއެވެ.

އަބްދުލް ހަމީދު މުހައްމަދު ސޯސަންވިލާ ފ.ނިލަންދޫ

ހަމީދުއަށް ލިބޭނެ ކަމަށް ލަފާ ކުރެވެނީ 10ޕަސެންޓް ވަރެވެ.ނަމަވެސް މިފަހަރު މޫސިނުގެ ވާދަވެރިއަކައް ވާނީ ހަމީދެވެ.

ޢަލީ ނަޖީބު

ނަޖީބުއަށް ލިބޭނެކަމަށް ލަފާކުރެވެނީ ގާތްގަޑަކަށް 5ޕަސެންޓް ވަރެވެ.

އަބްދުލް ލަތީފް އަޙްމަދު އަތިރީގެ ފ.ނިލަންދޫ

ގަބޫލުކުރެވޭ ގޮތުގައި ލަތީފް މިފަހަރު ކުރިމަތި ނުވެސް ލާނެއެވެ. މީގެ މައިގަޑުސަބަބަކީ މިކަމުގައި މުޢާވިން ޖަލީލުވެސް ނުގަބޫލު ވާނެ ކަމަށް ގަބޫލުކުރެވޭ ތީ އެވެ.

އިބްރާހިމް އަޙްމަދު ބިތްދޮށުގެ ފ.ނިލަންދޫ

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Monday, November 24, 2008


If we are in the maldives there are certain issues we have to understand. that might cause an economical threats which may effect us a lot. Not only Maldives shall we think what are the economical benefits we can get from our island.

As we know that Nilandhu is having lot of ancient emeralds which we will get lot of benefits from tourism sector. We should keep the AASARI sarahaddu for Dhaarulaasaru of our island and keep all pictures and valuable individuals to run the place with few members from school or island committee . As we know there are lot of people who served our community but now they have passed. most of us doesn't know how they look like. So we will keep their photo's [some of them like Ali Dhonbei, Shameem dhonbei and Ismailanik beybe]. So we will fix separate entry fee for local and foreigners, and separate fee for all photographs.
As we know there are lot of empty spaces in the isle that we can shall for reasonable rents,
As we know there are lot of young crowds roaming on the road who can be fixed as valuable individuals for our island. We will organise short term courses association with government authorities.

As we know there are lot of labours in the isle those we should blast immediately . Cos we are wasting and sending lot of funds to neighbouring countries through these labours .

Whole construction industries of our island belongs to our islanders, but 75 % of profit is to be paying to others[labours from other countries]

These are the most important issues we should think and unite whole island for these. there are in dependant committees and private association to inaugurate matters to the public and continue . May god help us to start these kind of problems and safe our island for ever n ever.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Dawn Jamuiyya is organising  volley tournament , association with Esjehi Store. According to their official the competition is organised to unite with other private association in the island and to cooperate others. They have arranged  a very special cash price for the champion and other selected individuals. Mr Ahmed Mohamed is the overall in charge of the competition. He was really a good player when he was young so he can manage it very organise. The most important problem was almost all the activities running by DAWN is labelled  as Esjehi  Store's  activity.
So all the credit is vallued as Esjehi. This should be really a serious issue in future what the senior members of DAWN should think of  it. If they keep sleeping like this Mr Esjehi will own their Jamuiyya within a short period and then DAWN JAMUIYYA  will be labelled as corrupt association if they stay with Esjehi in future. Almost all the members in DAWN JAMUIYYA is really in a good and they are really valued group for not only island but also in whole nation. In my point of view Mr Ibrahim Khaleel [CEO] , Ismail Ali x2, Abd Qadir Ismail and Abd Aleem and their MUAHSIS Ibarahim and Abd Nasir is the most valuable people in the atoll and they can do any thing if they want without help of any one. And their Junior such as Abd Aleem, Moosa Ahmed, Ahmed Mohamed and etc are also really good in the community and they can do lot of economic , social and educational projects in the atoll with connection with their sources in the island not with the above mentioned store. I hope that DAWN JAMUIYYA will think of this and decide to do their plans with 100 percent indipendently . May god will bless them good thinking of changing hteir minds and may bless them good future. [Heyo edhe member...........] 

Breaking News

Mr Ali Najeeb and Mr Mohamed Faisal are also trying to apply for the upcoming election. Mr Ali Najeeb s step father Alibe [Fuhbei] is now trying to get votes from both Nilandhoo and Dharaboodhu. But if Faisal come to as a candidate that will be a big loss for Mr Jihaadhu and his suppoters. Beacause Mr Ahmed Ali [Father of Faisal] will be the reflection for Faisal......


Almost all the supporters from Nilandhu side are trying their best to get most of the votes. Mr Jihaadhu and Mr Muhusin supporters are now involving lot to build their teams stronger than others. Here is the list of supporters and their ongoing campaign details :-

Mr Jihaadhu
The campaign manager for Mr Jihaadhu might be either Ibrahim Khaleel or Esjehi Razzaq. Both of them are now in Nilandhu meeting with small small groups and trying to get their votes. Yesterday they had a meeting with Karaa United and other few individuals in the isle. Esjehi Razzaq is always trying to influence his staffs to give full support of them or else they might loss their jobs. Mr Ahmed Ali [former island chief] is also expect to be the leading supporter for them. because of the support he will get from the people who use to come for medicine. If they are not going to give votes he will immediately stop to them for giving medical instruction [fanditha hedhun]. Furthermore Dhigu Ali and Abd Aleem also might be involving with Ahmed Mohamed and some of the DAWN senior members. Because of all these supporters Mr Jihaadhu might be the challenging candidate for Mr Abdul Muhusin Hameed [J4].

Mr Abdul Muhusin Hameedhu [J4]
Compare to Mr Jihaadhu campaign strategies of Muhusin is completely different. our network from Nilandhu inform Muhusin supporters are trying much better than all the others. And their team is build with young and old with full of experience. The leading might be handling Muhusin father Hassan Hameed and his own brothers with strong and young generation from all over the island, Here are the list of capable team for Mr Muhusin
Mohamed Naseem [Nasimbe]
Abd Kareem Mohamed
Abd Gadhir Moosa Fiyanoomaage
Abdul Azeez Moosa Fiyanoomaage
Eesa Khaleel
Ibrahim Hassan
Ismail Naseer
Ismail Rasheed
Abd Qani'
Zainab Sulaiman [Hinnaige]
Aminath Ibrahim
Mr Moosa Ali [former megustrate]

The above team of supporters are link with lot of families and most of the young and old generation in Nilandhu. Furthermore the group Mr Muhusin covered from Male side will be completely different and will give lot of support for Mr Muhusin to win the up coming election.

Friday, November 21, 2008

ATOLL CHIEFS ARE .........\\\\\\\\\\\


According to a very reliable sources the Atoll chief of F. Atoll is going to sworn within few days. The shortlisted candidates being announced and all those
candidates,  belongs to so called Esjehi Razzaq. Shall we take some points of candidates and there differentiations in our knowledge;

1-Mr Donad
Almost all the people knows him not like chief but  he will be good for a commander. And if he got the post he will be very happy to go there  for having close affair with girls and do corrupt business with Esjehi Razzaq and other uneducated groups  who were trying to dominate the atoll. And last time when he got it for temporary days he was having a good connection with Esjehi and his friends. and that time he was separated two to three families with having sex affairs. So there are few people  who can fill the post of atoll chief much better than this famous DONAD.

2-Mr Sameer
No matter how i don't want to even think of giving chief to samir, he is too old and having the experience of 1980's. we will always keep on getting the young and well educated people for this kind of Jobs

3-Mr Adam Manik
Not at all , if he comes to our atoll we must fir him within one week . thats all

4-Mr Moosa Ahmed Bihdhoshuge F.Nilandhoo
He will be very famous for reciting Quran and giving lecture to public. In my point of view he will be better than others but we should keep on remind that what had happen when he was young.
I think most of the people might know that famous story with SAAMIHAA

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



The selected candidates are trying to get supporters from the islands, here are the some of most highlighting supporters in F. atoll ;-

1-Mr Abdul Razzaqu [Seriya dhoni owner]

He is the leading supporter for Mr Jihaadhu [VA] and trying to get funds from other sources too.

2-Mr Idrees Abubakuru

Famous for black magic during 1980 s and he too might be the leading supporter for Mr Hamza

3-Mr Mohamed [Endheri Mohamed]

Will always support people who can offer him more funds , last time also he got big big funds from VA Pvt Ltd.

4-Mr Eesa Khaleel

Always bla bla cannot do anything for election , he s having famous LAVA PARTY , always famous for cheating others.

5-Saima Ali

Don't know the policies and the real picture of how things might happen. If he got money he will follow .

The above mentioned supporters are not educated at all. and they don't know what is the advantage of DRP and MDP. So all of them are trying to get funds from all the candidates and they will vote always against the people who spend them.

our concern is to remove these kind of corrupt leaders from the leading role and to introduce new and young generation for their replacement.

there are lot of capable and well educated people from both the side of atoll and who can introduce how important they re for our atoll. Lets see what happened the island committee election had last year.

Who are the people who won those elections and who are the people who spend the elections,

That's really good example for all the Ranyyithunge Majilis candidates. I hope this time Mr Hamza and his own brother might give a deaf hearing for the above mentioned corrupt leaders and try to get young and educated youth generation for their campaign if they want a chair from Majilis

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


when we were young most of our atoll MP's belong to Nilandhu. Shall we unite together and do something good for our beloved island. But that will realise with the full support of whole island. Furthermore we have to check the past experience and future knowledge's for this kind of scenario. We will tell one word and unite with each other for the upcoming election. For the name of island which belongs to both f.atoll and dh.atoll we will select good candidate from our isle. And that candidate should be young and talented. Shall we discuss with some of them who really can do ;

1-Mr Anwar Ali

Not very good during the time of special majilis

Belongs to DRP and involving on the DRP council

Young and co operate with some of his friends

There are lot of involments during Riyaasi Campain which they lost

Smart and connection with mihaaruge sarukaau

Finally he s not good for selection but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

2-Mr Abdul Muhusin Hameed

Completely new for Political service

Sporty and have lot of connection with FAM and other leading crowds in capital Male

Helping lot of islanders when they need it most

Filling the senior technical job in reefside company

Funny and very similar with his father [Hameedhu dhonbei]

Won Abdulla Ismail award from atoll and came to male for secondry education

In my openion he is the best from F.Atoll for this time..

Special name is called as J4

3-Sheikh Ibrahim Ahmed

almost same as Mr Anwar

not good for selection

Ehme ragalhu vaani mihaaru ge vazifaagaa madukurun

4-Abdul Hameed Mohamed

He s havin lot of experience compare to others

Young generation will not expect this time

doing lot of private estimate masahkai in Male

Self motivated and can spend some funds to public

He might be the only callege for Mr J4

According to DRP office Mr Muhusin is expecting to come through DRP the challenging candidates for DRP is Sheikh Ibrahim. And If Muhusin comes to as candidate either from DRP or MDP he might be the next new MP for F.Atoll.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Magudhu Atoll Uthuruburi,,,,,,,,,

The people of Magudhu and Bilehdhu are trying to issue a petition for new goverment regarding to erase the corruption.The main issues they are concerning is what Mr Zakariyya Hameed was made during the time he was Atoll chief:

1.To change the capital from Nilandhu to Magudhu.

2.Immediate change of Muavin Jaleel.

3.Why all the goverment employers from capital Nilandhu.

4.Why Zakaritta Hameed should got a house from Nilandhu.

5.Why Mr Ibrahim got a land from Nilandhu.

6.Why atoll post office is located in Nilandhu.

Most of the issues they have mention was good. but the most important issue is that they are trying to change atoll office from Nilandhu to Magudhu.In my opinion what they are trying to do is "Getting ready to put fire on petrol". So that might suffer them real disaster for their young generation. Therefore if we are going to issue that kind of petition they have to think of other island and their dominations in the atoll. And if they are really going to make any petition against Nilandhu means the name of atoll also will be changed as MAGUDHU ATOLL UTHURUBURI


1.Mr Ahmed Hamza
A very reliable sources confirm that Mr Hamza is going to sit on three island side that includes both Feeali bilehdhu and Magudhu.
2.Mr Abdhul Hameed Mohamed
Mr Hameed [Hameed Sir]is expecting for Nilandhu and Dharabudhu side
3.Sheikh Ibrahim Ahmed
Sheikh Ibrahim is expecting for Nilandhu and Dharabudhu side
the other informations are expecting on tomorrow


Expected candidates for Nilandhu/Dharabudhu

Mr Jihadhu [V.A Pvt ltd]
Mr Abdhul Hameed Mohamed
Sheikh Ibrahim Ahmed
Mr Anwar Ali
Mr Abdhul Muhusin Hameed
The above mentioned candidates are expected to getting ready to win a chair from parlament for Nilandhu/Dharabudhu

And for the other side of atoll [Feeali,Bilehdhu and Magudhu] is expected to be performing former MP Hon Ahmed Hamza and Mr Haneef[EM Traders]only.