Sunday, November 23, 2008


Dawn Jamuiyya is organising  volley tournament , association with Esjehi Store. According to their official the competition is organised to unite with other private association in the island and to cooperate others. They have arranged  a very special cash price for the champion and other selected individuals. Mr Ahmed Mohamed is the overall in charge of the competition. He was really a good player when he was young so he can manage it very organise. The most important problem was almost all the activities running by DAWN is labelled  as Esjehi  Store's  activity.
So all the credit is vallued as Esjehi. This should be really a serious issue in future what the senior members of DAWN should think of  it. If they keep sleeping like this Mr Esjehi will own their Jamuiyya within a short period and then DAWN JAMUIYYA  will be labelled as corrupt association if they stay with Esjehi in future. Almost all the members in DAWN JAMUIYYA is really in a good and they are really valued group for not only island but also in whole nation. In my point of view Mr Ibrahim Khaleel [CEO] , Ismail Ali x2, Abd Qadir Ismail and Abd Aleem and their MUAHSIS Ibarahim and Abd Nasir is the most valuable people in the atoll and they can do any thing if they want without help of any one. And their Junior such as Abd Aleem, Moosa Ahmed, Ahmed Mohamed and etc are also really good in the community and they can do lot of economic , social and educational projects in the atoll with connection with their sources in the island not with the above mentioned store. I hope that DAWN JAMUIYYA will think of this and decide to do their plans with 100 percent indipendently . May god will bless them good thinking of changing hteir minds and may bless them good future. [Heyo edhe member...........] 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DAWN is a wing of Esjehi Company (Razzaaq). or u can say MDP wing in nilandhoo. so they will do what Esjehi says only.