Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mr Ahmed Ali .....

A very reliable sources from Nilandhoo side confirmed that Mr Ahmed Ali [Ahanmadhanik Dhonbei] is going to get a sheet from upcoming Majilis election. And they also insist that it happens because of the relationship between Hamza and Ibrahim Khaleel. Mr Ali was trying to get the island chief post but MDP government is trying to give senior post to Mr Ibrahim Khaleel not Ahmed Ali. Furthermore he may withdraw his name if MDP request him to give island chief post. But Mr Nasheed loudly announcing that he will give all responsible posts to those who studying hard. And if that post given to Ahmed Ali will be another talking point for the island.............................

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

މިބަދަލުގެ މަން ފާ އަޅުގަޑުމެން ނަށް ކުރާނެ ގޮތަކާމެދު ވިސްނާލުމުން....

މުސްކުޅިންބުނެއުޅޭ ހަރުބަހެއް މަތިން މިއަދު އަޅުގަޑަށް އައި ފޯނުކޯލަކުން ހަދާންވިއެވެ. ހަބަރު ބަލާލުމުން އެއީ ވެދާނެކަމެއް ކަމަށް ހުދު މިކަމުގެ ނިމުން ރަށްދުވާ މީހާވެސް ނުގޮތަކަށް އެއްބަސްވިކަހަލަ ހެން ވެސް ހީވިއެވެ. ވަކިދުވަހަކަށް މާލޭއެރުމަށް ހޯމްމިނިސްޓްރީން ގުޅިކަމާ ރައީސް އޮފީހުގެ ފެހިސިގުނަލް ލިބުނުކަމާއި މިހިރަމިހިރަ ކަން ތަށް ތަކަކީ އަލުގަޑުމެން ވިސްނާލުމުން ވެދާނެކަމެއް ކަމުގައި ބެލުމަކީ ގޯހެއް ނޫން ބާއޭވެސް ހުދު އަޅުގަޑަށް ވެސް އިހުސާސް ކުރެވެއެވެ.

ދަންނަވަން މިއުޅެނީ ފ.އަތޮލުގެ އިސްމަގާމަކަށް ހަމަޖެހުނުކަމަށް ކިޔާ އިބްރާހިމް ޚަލީލް ގެ ވާހަކައެވެ. މިބަދަލަކީ ކޮންކަހަލަބަދަލެއް ބާއޭ ހިތަން އަރާފަރާތް ތަކަށް އަޅުގަޑުގެ ހިތުގައިވާ ގޮތް ހާމަ ކޮށްދެވޭތޯ ބެލުމެވެ. ފަހަރުގާ އަޅުގަޑުގެ ވިސްނުން ތަފާަތުވުމަކީ އެކަށީގެން ވާގޮތެކެވެ، އެހެނީ އަޅުގަޑުުމެން އެންމެން ގެ ވިސްނުމުގާ ތަފާތު ހުންނާނެތީއެވެ. މިގޮތުން އަޅުގަޑަށް ހޯދާބަލާލުމުން ފެންނަހަގީގަތްތަށް މިހިރީއެވެ.

· މަޝްހޫރު އަލީ ޝަމީމް(ޝަމީމް ދޮންބެ) ގެ ދޮށީ ފިރިހެން ދަރިފުޅެވެ.

· ޓީޗަރުކަމުން ފެށިގެންގޮސް ނިލަން ދޫގެ ވެރިކަމުގެ ދާއިރާގައި ގިނަގުނަ ހިދުމަތް ތަކެއް ކޮއްފައިވާ ޒުވާން ހިންގުން ތެރިޔެކޭބުނެވިދާނެއެވެ.

· މިހާރުއާއިލާގައި ތިބީ އެއްބަޑު އެއްބަފާ ދެފިރިހެން ކޮއްކޮ އާއި އުފަން ހަތް ދަރިން ނާއި އަބިކަބަލެކެވެ.

· ވާހަކަދެއްކުމުގާ އެފަދަ ދެވަނައެއް ނެތް ރަން ދުލެއްގެ ވެރިޔެކޭބުނެލާހިތް އަބަދުވެސް އަޅުގަޑުވެއެވެ. ނަމަވެސް ދައްކާ ވާހަކައިގެ އަގުވަޒަންކުރުމުގާ ވިސްނުންތެރިންގެ ބުއްދީގެ ބޭނުން ހިފުމަކީ އެދެވޭކަމެކެވެ.

· މީހުން ނާގުޅޭކަމަށް ފާހަގަކުރެވޭފަހަރު އަންނަފަދައިން ޚިޔާލު ތަފާތުވާފަހަރުތަކުގައި ޚިޔާރުކުރާ ގޮތާމެދު ސުވާލުއުފެދޭ ގޮތް ވާތަން ވެސް ފެނެއެވެ.

· މީހާގެ އަމިއްލަ ވިސް ނުމާއެއްވަރަށް މުޖުތަމައުގެ ވިސްނުން ހިއްސާ ކޮއްފިނަމަ ވަރަށް ފުރިހަމަ ކަމަށް ޤާބިލުވެރިޔަކަށް ވެވޭނެ ބޭފުޅެކެވެ.

· އެހެން މީހުންގެއެހީތެރިކަމުން ނެތްޓި ތިމާޔަކީ ކުރިމަގު އުޖާލާމީހެއްކަމާމެދު ވިސްނައިފިނަމަ ވަރަށް ހަރުދަނާ ޝަހުޝިއްޔަތަކަށް ވެވޭނެކަމާމެދު އަޅުގަޑު ޝައްކެއްނުކުރަމެވެ.

· ވަކިބަޔަކަށް ބަރޯސާވުމުގެ ބަދަލުގައި ހިޔާރުކުރަން ވީ ތިމާ ގެސަބަބުން ތިމާގެ މުސްތަގުބަލާއި ގައުމުގެ ތަރަށްގީ އާއި މުޖުތަމައުގެ ފައިދާއަށެވެ.

މިފަދަ ކަން ކަމަކީ ޚަލީލް ފަދަ ބޭފުޅަކަށް މިވަގުތަށް ދެވޭނަސޭހަތަކަށް ވުރެ ގައުމުގެ މުސް ތަގު ބަލައި އަތޮޅުގެ ތަރަގީ އަށް ބަލާލުމުން މުހިއްމު ކަންތައްތަކެކެވެ. އިސްލާހަށް މަސައްކަތް ކުރާބަޔަކުނަމަ ފަސާދަ އަށް ވުރެ އެއްބައެއް ވަންތަކަމަށް ސަމާލުކަން ދިނުމަކީ ގިނަގުނަ ފައިދާއެއް އަތޮޅަށާ ރަށަށް ކުރާނެ ކަމެކެވެ. ބަދަލުވަމުން ދާ މިފަދަދުވަސް ވަރެއްގައި ވިސްނާނުލައި ގެނެވޭބަދަލަކުން ލިބޭ ނަތީޖާގެ އަގު އެކިބޭފުޅުންހިއްސާ ކުރާނެ ގޮތާމެދުވިސްނުމަކީ ވަރަށް މުހިން މު ކަމެކެވެ. ތަފާތުމީހުންގެ މަޝްވަރާ އާއި ޖަމްއިއްޔާ ޖަމާއަތް ތަކުގެ ގޮވުން އަޑުއެހުމަކީ މީހާގެ ކުރިއެރުމަށް ލިބޭ ހެޔޮ ފުރުސަތުގެ ބޭނުންހިފުން ކަމުގައިވެސް ބެލެވިދާނެއެވެ. އަދިދަންނަވަމެވެ. މިއީ ހަމަ މަތިމަތިން ސުރުހީއެއްކަމަށް ތިޔަބޭފުޅުން ހީފުޅު ކޮއް ލަށްވާށެވެ. މިކަމުގެ ހަގީގަތަކާހަމައަށް ދިއުމުން އަދި ތަފާތު ގޮތަކަށް ލިޔެވޭ ނެ ދުވަހެއް ގެ ހުވަފެނީ މަން ޒަރު ފެން ނާނެ ނަމައޭ ހިތާހިތާ ސުވާލު ކުރެވެއެވެ. އަދި މިބަދަލުގެ ފުރިހަމަ މަންފާ ވެސް ފެންނާނީ މިބަދަލު ބަދަލެއްގެ ސިފައިގައި ފެނިގެންތާއެވެ. ހަމަޔަގީނުންވެސް ލިޔުންތެރިޔެއްގެ ހައިސިއްޔަތުން އަޅުގަޑުމިހިރީ އެބަދަލަށް ކެތް މަދުވެފައެވެ....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


People of Nilandhoo may complete their work today evening and there are few issues we have to concern;
1-To do building of main Jetty is good for all our islanders but that work has to organise much strongly, because almost all the RAYYITHUNGE MASAHKAI is going to end with lot of fighting and quarrelling.
2-Competition should be there to increase the speed of work but that should be equal to both the parties.
3-Groups can be divided by different ways but that should be equal to both the parties.
4-There should be steering committee to monitor and judge the speed and quality of work and that steering committee should be independent from both island office and RK committee.
5-The committee is responsible for organising and arranging all the social work and they should give the final report and future plans to all developing authorities like island office, private association atoll office and others.
6-The committee is responsible for almost all the developing areas like planning separate swimming area and separate live fish pool and almost all the attractive and projects which will effect the modern development of our island.
7-To change the face and attracting place shall we call that committee "ISLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE...?"

Sunday, December 14, 2008


There are few people in our island who is going to decide what they want to do or there are few they don't know even what they are doing. In each campaign team different kind of leaders might come and go, cos we all are humans. But the worst scenario is the few corrupt leaders are following where they will earn money. A reliable sources from Nilandhoo confirmed today that they got requisition from Mr Eesa Khaleel [who is campaigning to his brother Mohamed Khaleel] that he wants 200,000 from them to start anti campaign  for his brother. 
The other day he was requesting 500,000 from the same party. If we are going to demand something from the candidates we should be independent and others  should respect us. As we knew before that Mr Eesa Khaleel is married with Muhusin own sister . So what that case might be at the end. 
Furthermore we will keep our eyes on the other side of campaigning. The pictures are clear for all. from the beginning we hear ed lot of names coming from Nilandhoo side, but now a days some names are disappearing. there might be deals and money matters or those who reject their names may be having coalition with candidates who are going to spend. For example Mr Jihaadhu from VA. or Mr Ibrahim Ahmed from PA. In my point of view from the final destination Mr Muhusin and Mr Ibrahim Ahmed might be the challenging candidates. And if both of them fails to do smart campaigning Mr Jihaadhu will be the winning candidate for both Nilandhoo and Dharaboodhu side.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


According to information from Nilandhoo side Mr Mohamed Khaleel [Made'] is going to start  his campaign in Nilandhoo. His own brother Mr Eesa Khalee and Ehgali Bode might be the leading supporters for him. And the dark side of their campaigning is really worse than any other campaign team in the atoll. All their target may have some connection with money and yesterday also they are forcing to get some funds from island candidates its around 500000.00. But from other candidates like Jihaadhu and Ibrahim are also involving a lot to get their best from the capital of F. Atoll.

And some of the Muhusin supporters are confirming that Mr Hammed [Hameedsir] may withdraw his name with because of Ehgali Bode's request.All the voters who are going to vote for Muhusin will not change because they are young and it won't be easy to bye them for money.They are always trying to get something good for their island and that will effect for all our islanders.


Jamuiyathul Shababu Organised futsal cup 2008 is going to finish on tomorow evening, Both the seminal is won by Karaa and Seamans will meet final on tomorow evening.There are few things we have noted when i was there in Nilandhoo. The young boys are playing really well and they will get lot of demands in the coming tournaments. The most challenging team was "Fahulavaan". They are playing really confidence and they beat no one team from Bilehdhoo with 3-2. Almost all the players in Fahulavan team was skillfull and they need good trainer to show their talents. Almost all the teams are really cooperate and trying to play with fair play games. And some of the famous players from national team like Faruhaadhu and Akram abd qani are also playing to Seamons team.

Friday, December 5, 2008

CHANGES....WILL IT BE ...????????

We need to change, we need to change these are the main sentence we hear ed at the time of presidential election. I am sure that almost all the people who vote for change will see and check what are the changes coming to our country. Will it be OK or will it be worse than before. As we know that there are changes we had at the time of 1980s. when few Maldivians came with sri-lankan terrorist group to change the government. But unfortunately they lost. May be we got good change those days. And all the Maldivian knows that there are few Maldivians like Ablo Shahid, Sagare’ Luthufi and so so..

When I was walking on my way to office I met one of my close friend . He s the security officer who worked in Muliaage.Kalo.. do you know that Shahid is the state minister for deffence now??? I was shocked and told him that what s up . I really does’t know which Shahid that was. Then he told me now our state minister is the one who helped Nov 3rd attack. Then I was shocked. I got the real picture of how this changing government is going to be….
Almost all the DRP supporters or peoples who listen the campaign of Maumoon 2008 really knows how much they have mentioned about Nov 3rd terror attack at the time of campaigning. They have announced a lot regarding this topic. And they have told this country is going to be their country and they are the people who will lead us in future if we vote to them.
But my concern is that there people in the parliament who will change this kind of changes and the change they will bring should be acceptable, and the people who are going to lead us to be clear from their history. Not like SAGARE or SHAHID or LUTHUFY. Any how we will wait and see who s gonna be next minister for home affairs. Will it be L…… or S …. Who ever I don’t care there will be majilis they will save us from them,,,,,,,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008



There are advantages and disadvantages of all our daily life, and there are discremination of people when we breath to another day in our life. And there are family arrors which comes of voting for election. Most probably this all happens because of nature . further more it may happen for all the generation from our grandparents to our grandsons.discremination , recism ,are the most common words we hear from channels with the word OUR RIGHTS. Almost all the people in the world will have their own rights in the border because of being as a human. The border comes to cover  for religion rules and their regulation.

If  I vote Mr Jihaadhu for upcoming majilis election of f.atoll  nilandhoo side I don’t know why my family is going to interfear my rights. At the time I don’t have any rights to shout my family for giving their votes to Mr Ibrahim Ahmed or any body. But in our atoll there are lot of people who are going to stop their campaign because of family influences. There are lot of crowds,  going to separate because of upcoming campaign. In my point of view it should be equal to any body either me or my family.

Lets take some example from Nilandhoo side. The biggest famly in our island was IBRAHIM BEIGE AAILA or  ESJEHI AAILA but that was on 1980s. what are the real leaking pole in that family. Shall we point out some of their family members separately. If so even now they will dominate entire island if they unite.

Mr Abdul Nasir Ismail                  Owner of the private company in the capital Male

Mr abdul Razzaq Hussain [esjehi]  Owner of Esjehi Store and Seria Dhoni

Mr Ahmed shafeeq         Having own shop in Nilandhu and blding house in Hulhumale

Mr Ahmed Umar               Having own Shop and Hotel In Nilandhoo and doing dhanduverikan

Ms Shuwaidha Ismail    Her Husband open New shop in Nilandhoo recently

Mr Mohamed Naseer       Getting something arround us 5000.00 per month working in TMA

Furthermore there are well educated and experienced people in the island like Abdul Razzaq Mohamed and Abdul Majeed Mohamed and Fareedha Ismail and Fathmath Rauna. And we should remember Mr Ibrahim Umar and his brothers too.

But this respectable family is now separated and two of them will not even clap together. In my openion all these arror comes because of unity and undeatanding between some of their members.

To unite a family in our small community is really important and that will bright and shine our lives forever.