Thursday, December 11, 2008


Jamuiyathul Shababu Organised futsal cup 2008 is going to finish on tomorow evening, Both the seminal is won by Karaa and Seamans will meet final on tomorow evening.There are few things we have noted when i was there in Nilandhoo. The young boys are playing really well and they will get lot of demands in the coming tournaments. The most challenging team was "Fahulavaan". They are playing really confidence and they beat no one team from Bilehdhoo with 3-2. Almost all the players in Fahulavan team was skillfull and they need good trainer to show their talents. Almost all the teams are really cooperate and trying to play with fair play games. And some of the famous players from national team like Faruhaadhu and Akram abd qani are also playing to Seamons team.


Anonymous said...

taking part a national player in futsal cup at nilandhoo is a real honour for the organizer of the tournament!

Anonymous said...

this tournament is a good start for for shabab to introduce futsal in nilandhoo,,

Anonymous said...

to improve this game with better quality we have to invite some futsal players or a futsal team to participate in this futsal tournament held in nilandhoo organised by j-shabaab,,,,